hash edge

obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Year End Awards 2009 (k3nshi)

The Kenshi Institute’s Year End awards 2009:

  • Man of the Year: Simon Cowell

  • Woman of the Year: Penelope Cruz

  • Dead King of Pop of the Year: Michael Jackson

  • Film of the Year: Moon

  • Food of the Year: Scrambled Eggs and Baked Beans

  • Feeling of the Year: Resignation

  • Supporting Character most deserving to be the Main Character of the Year: Damian Wayne (Batman comics)

  • Game of the Year: Batman: Arkham Asylum (on Xbox 360)

  • Book of the Year: Founders at Work

  • Drink of the Year: Water

  • Website of the Year: Tumblr.com

  • Technology of the Year: iPhone OS

  • Anti-Technology of the Year: The Web Browser

  • Blog of the Year: Rikdad’s Comic Thoughts - this guy is Grant Morrison right? Right?!

  • TV Show of the Year: Smallville

  • Application of the Year: Choice by Choice

  • Workout of the Year: Jungle Circuit - at Wild Fitness

  • Personal Trainers of the Year: Summit Personal Training

  • Shape of the Year: Circle

  • Place of the Year: Watamu, Kenya

  • Colour of the Year: Green

  • Year of the Year: 2009

Games of the Year 2009 (k3nshi)

The votes are in:

Gamer Game of the Year Platform
amanset Shadow Complex Xbox 360
Blueflame Resident Evil 5 Xbox 360
Cazchan Street Fighter IV Xbox 360
corps Uncharted 2 Playstation 3
Crhis Uncharted 2 Playstation 3
franki Assassins Creed 2 Xbox 360
FunkyDad Uncharted 2 Playstation 3
Kenshi Batman: Arkham Asylum Xbox 360
Kit Dragons Age Origins Xbox 360
M-P Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360
Meh Batman: Arkham Asylum Xbox 360
Pandy Wolfenstein 3D iPhone
Pikkewyn Uncharted 2 Playstation 3
Pow Shadow Complex Xbox 360
qazimod Persona 4 Playstation 2
Rayn Rock Band Internet Edition Cuckoo 365
Schnibble Borderlands Xbox 360
Shimmyhill Battlefield 1943 Xbox 360
spanx Uncharted 2 Playstation 3
The G Assassins Creed 2 Xbox 360
unspec Uncharted 2 Playstation 3
vame Batman: Arkham Asylum Xbox 360
Van Modern Warfare 2 Xbox 360
Victoria Prototype Xbox 360

Platform Number of GOTY votes
Xbox 360 15
Playstation 3 6
Cuckoo 365 1
Playstation 2 1
iPhone 1

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008: Giving Up. (k3nshi)

That pretty much sums up my attitude in 2008. Somewhere along the line I decided I was stuck in a situation I can't control and effectively gave up. I decided I was tired and better off just eating cake and feeling sorry for myself. That is the raw and unpleasant truth of my psyche profile in 2008. I don't have any illusions that I will leap out of bed in 2009 and roll into some kind of super energized montage training sequence. I will however ensure I go on a well deserved vacation and take the time to recharge. And then start some hard work.

It wasn't all bad of course. Professionally I kicked ass in 2008. Did some good work and made a decent amount of money (and hoarded it away). I even enjoyed a lot of it.

2009 is going to have to be about focus. And focus is very hard indeed.

Year End Awards 2008 (k3nshi)

The Kenshi Institute’s Year End awards 2008:

  • Man of the Year: Vladimir Putin

  • Woman of the Year: Tina Fey

  • Hockey Mom/Pitbull of the Year: Sarah Palin

  • Film of the Year: Elite Squad (Tropa de Elite)

  • Food of the Year: CHIPS

  • Investment Bank of the Year: Bear Sterns

  • Game of the Year: Fable 2

  • Book of the Year: ‘Masters of Doom’ by David Kushner

  • Banker of the Year: Dr Josef Ackermann

  • Superhero of the Year: The Batman (Damian Wayne)

  • Supervillain of the Year: Grant Morrison

  • Feeling of the Year: Impending Doom

  • Website of the Year: Twitter

  • Agent of Change of the Year: Corpsicle

  • Technology of the Year: HDTV

  • Anti-Technology of the Year: Internet Explorer 6

  • Blog of the Year: Robert Peston’s Business blog

  • TV Show of the Year: The Wire

  • Application of the Year: Google Earth

  • Credit Crunch of the Year: The Credit Crunch

  • Shape of the Year: Madelbrot Set

  • Financial Instrument of the Year: CDOs

  • Place of the Year: Kenshi HQ

  • Colour of the Year: Charcoal

  • Global Financial Crisis of the Year: The Global Financial Crisis

  • Year of the Year: 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Games of the Year 2008 (k3nshi)

Games of the Year, hashedge style:

Gamer Game of the Year Platform
corps Fallout 3 PC
Cyhwuhx Chrono Trigger Nintendo DS
dekay Fallout 3 Xbox 360
franki Grand Theft Auto 4 Xbox 360
Kenshi Fable 2 Xbox 360
Kit Saints Row 2 Xbox 360
Meh Saints Row 2 Xbox 360
Milky The World Ends With You Nintendo DS
Pow Rock Band Xbox 360
qazimod Rock Band 2 Xbox 360
Rayn Fallout 3 PC
Schnibble Armored Core: For Answer Xbox 360
Shimmyhill Rock Band Xbox 360
sild Wii Tennis Nintendo Wii
Spanx Little Big Planet PlayStation 3
The-G Fallout 3 PC
unspec Fallout 3 Xbox 360
Van N+ Xbox 360

Platform Number of GOTY votes
Xbox 360 11
PC 3
Nintendo DS 2
PlayStation 3 1
Nintendo Wii 1

Best of 2008 (qazimod)

2008 lol

Friday, December 05, 2008

More Contenders Eliminated (k3nshi)

More games joined the FAIL list. The full FAIL list is now:

  • Mirrors Edge

  • Prince of Persia

  • Tomb Raider Underworld

  • Mortal Kombat vs DCU (ok this was always an optimistic bet)

  • Little Big Planet

  • GOW 2 (which wasn't really on the list, but I managed to avoid getting press ganged into buying it. Ha!)

  • Dead Space (bad demo, and annoying camera means I'm not getting it, no matter how good people keep telling me it is).

It's pretty lame that just a month or so ago there seemed to be so many GOOD games to buy this year. Fortunately for my wallet, a lot of developers seem to have experienced EPIC FAIL in delivering their visions satisfactorily.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Fable 2 (k3nshi)

Completed this last night and have generally loved it throughout. Stuff like the golden breadcrumb trail and the ability to teleport to quest locations are simple yet genius additions to the game that make it a lot more accessible. I dont like RPG games and havent played Fable 1, but Fable 2 is just accessible and mostly grind free. The game world is atmospheric and manages to do the medieval rpg scenario in a unique and colourful way. I liked that the combat was nice and simple. Being able to easily switch between sword fighting, guns and spells in mid-fight was pretty cool (a a little bit clumsy on the spells though).

The ending is a bit unsatisfying. I'm not sure if this is because you can go back to the game world and keep playing, or whether the choices you have to make at the end seem massively contrived and 'too big' as it were. I didnt mind the way the last couple of boss encounters were handled though (I've read how some people hated this, but I thought it was fine).

A few of the characters were great, Reaver and Hammer in particular. I only opened one Demon Door, and the 'level' behind it just oozed atmosphere - great stuff. I wish they had concentrated on more stuff like this, versus the town economies and jobs.

Anyway, I have been pretty surprised just how much I've enjoyed this game. Not really my kind of game at all, and here I am considering playing through it again with a new character or just playing on with my character and unlocking all the demon doors and finding and killing those damned gargoyles. Roll on Fable 3.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Contender Eliminated (k3nshi)

Games I was looking forward to and considering buying, but have decided have FAILED:

Star Wars: Force Unleashed. Mixed reviews means even I am not enough of a star wars whore for this.

Little Big Planet. Played the beta version and was distinctly unimpressed. Yeah the visuals are slick. Started faffing around with the level editor stuff, but got bored. When I go to play a game, I want to be playing a game. Not designing levels.

GOW2. Another one bites the dust. Apart from mulitplayer I was never a big fan of the first GOW. And multiplayer isnt enough to make me buy the sequel when there are loads of other good games coming out.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Halo 3... (k3nshi)

...New campaign incoming!