obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Friday, February 04, 2005

Resident Evil 4. (Anonymous)

Although owning at one time or another Resident Evil , Resident Evil 2, RE : Code Veronica and REmake I have never got further than a few hours into any of those games, why?

Despite the (at the time) cutting edge graphics the early games had and my undieing love for Zombies the Hammy acting and the jump out of your seat moments. Incredible apathy swept me away, my heart was saying "Zombies man, living abhorrations " My brain "Oh man the controls are so shit, oh man I hate typewriters/emblem keys/red key cards/half moons/ruby tiger eyes...." even writing about it bores me. By REmake it was agreed the Resident Evil formulae was rancid.

Some of you may not know but Resident Evil 4 went through a complete overhaul during it's development this led to the Camera now being directly behind Leon, the tempo was upped and the zombies turbocharged (think 28 days later) the result is a much more action packed game with often 10s of lurching "zombies" coming at you from all angles , in some ways the combat is like Halo where thanks to decent AI scripting every encounter is different, and thanks to some visceral weaponry always a bloody joy.

Don't be a hater like me , feel the itchy .. scratchy mmmmm brains.

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