obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Barbie Fashion Show (Van123)

My friend sent me the link to this torrent, right. So I downloaded it. "Barbie.Fasion.Show.iso.torrent." Yeah, ok, why the Hell not? So I tell him I'll download it the next day. I thought it'd be funny material to watch while drunk or whatever.

It only took an hour to download; only 500MB. Rayn told me about Deamon Tools, so I downloaded that, and installed it. I had no idea why the movie wasn't playing. Did I install it wrong? Did I open it wrong? VLC wouldn't play it, WMP wouldn't play it. So I burnt it to a CD to see if that would make a difference. "No autoplay? What's going on here?"

Of course there's no bloody autoplay, I have autoplay for games turned off. What they Hell? It's a game, not a film. I have no use for a Barbie game! You'd think that'd be it, but nooo. I decide to install it, for shits and giggles. Spanish. The game's in Spanish. Not only do I have a game instead of a film, I have it in a language I can't understand.

All I wanted to do was watch a Barbie Fashion Show.

Experience: 1G

1 comment:

qazimod said...

Is this a good time to mention that I once played Mawaru Wario Ware through to completion despite the fact that a) it was on an emulator and the tilt was controlled by cursor keys, b) the text was Japanese, and c) it had little to no sound?

Evidently you are not h4rdc0r3 enough.