obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

It Just Works (k3nshi)

...or rather IT DOESNT.

Considering so much is made of the iPod's "Halo effect" for driving sales of Macs to PC users, you'd think it would be simple to just switch your iPod to your Mac. No such joy here, as I have wasted HOURS trying to get the bloody thing to work. I even got some classic error messages such as "The iPod Disk does not have the correct structure" (hold that comment your pedantic geekspastics - I was using the iPod Updater at the time, before you tell me "No n00b, you need to format the iPod in MAC format!!!!111oneoneonefuckingone") and... brace yourself:

"An unexpected error occurred."

Oh we just hit Windows territory, just when spanx was telling me "at least its not some fucking lame windows error message shit like 'unknown error'. Be thankful Our Glorious and Wise Leader Steve Jobs is too Compassionate for that kind of rubbish - he loves us. I intend to kill a random stranger to receive a phone call from him..." (actual quote).

So now I am going to have to return the iPox (fortunately its under warranty). Ah yes, the warranty service process. You have to fill in a DEFECT REPORT to get your warranty service. Nice. All in all a complete waste of time and another layer of gloss removed from the Apple image. I cant wait for Sony to get a clue and kick Apple's media giant pretentions ass all over the shop. Get to it Stringer.

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