obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008: Giving Up. (k3nshi)

That pretty much sums up my attitude in 2008. Somewhere along the line I decided I was stuck in a situation I can't control and effectively gave up. I decided I was tired and better off just eating cake and feeling sorry for myself. That is the raw and unpleasant truth of my psyche profile in 2008. I don't have any illusions that I will leap out of bed in 2009 and roll into some kind of super energized montage training sequence. I will however ensure I go on a well deserved vacation and take the time to recharge. And then start some hard work.

It wasn't all bad of course. Professionally I kicked ass in 2008. Did some good work and made a decent amount of money (and hoarded it away). I even enjoyed a lot of it.

2009 is going to have to be about focus. And focus is very hard indeed.

1 comment:

Wickedkitten said...