Mood Gaming (k3nshi)
It's Sunday evening, and you're tired from the hectic activities of the last two days. So you're in a pretty lazy, apathetic kind of mood. There is nothing on TV worth watching (as per usual), and an idle thought of doing some gaming crosses your mind.
Hmmm... what to play? Halo 2? The thought of being pwn3d in your own living room whilst some reprobrate in Hicksville, Tenessee screams such witicisms as "Die you Gay Nigger!" at you, kinf of put you off. And Halo 2 is always way too competitive - hardly a chill out kind of experience. Perhaps something with a soothing environment like Prince of Persia would hit the spot? Perhaps, but the frustration of either having to repeatedly try to make some kind of "impossible" jump or battling through a horde of enemies kind of puts you off. Yes... you're in that apathetic a mood.
In fact the only game that remotely strikes you as being suitable for the mood you are in, is Rez - specifically Travelling mode. A soothing audio visual treat, with no worries about losing lives or being forced to replay tricky sections or having to motivate yourself to compete with every mofo with a broadband connection and the same filthy gaming habit you have.
If games are art, or if gaming is a nascent artform, why aren't there more games to suit different moods. Most of the time I find I have to be in the mood for gaming (doing something involve challenge). Some games have amazing evironments and gameworlds (Ico and Metroid Prime spring to mind), and yet to enter into those world you have to be prepared to face a level of challenge and frustration. Why can't I just go and explore the world of Metroid Prime, unhindered by respawning enemies? Why can't I just explore the world of Ico without worrying about solving puzzles or avoiding the shadow creatures? I think gaming offers lots of scope for entertainment, not all of which has to be or even should be the kind of high challenge, goal orientated activities that most games have as their raison d'etré.
In the end, I didn't play Rez or any game on Sunday. Ok I had a quick blast (by which I mean: received a prompt and thorough thrashing in the Rumble Pit) on Halo 2, but the experience was so depressing I gave up after that. I couldn't even be bothered to put Rez on after that and just watched a film instead. Maybe some bright eyed, MBA'ed up sharp suit at EA will be willing to provide a solution to my gaming needs...
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