obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

It hasn't even started yet... (k3nshi)

Let's be clear: the next gen hasnt begun AT ALL. If I want to buy a next-gen console today, I have no choice: I can only readily buy a 360.

So for all the internet game forum know it alls who are proclaiming the PS3 dead in the water, all I can say is: the battle hasnt even started yet. Really it all kicks off in mid-2008, possibly late 2008, when all the consoles seriously start trying to court the casual gamer and every console has a few decent games.

Next gen hasn't even really started on the 360 yet either. Bar a few notable (recent) titles, so much of the library seems like old gen gameplay with tarted up visuals. Roll on the likes of Bioshock, Assasin's Creed and Halo 3. Note that (with the exception of inhouse title Halo 3), these titles have been mooted for the PS3 at one point in time or other. Face it: next gen games development is expensive. And publishers are going to want to ammortise those costs by hitting as many platforms as possible or by releasing on the most dominant platform. And that cant happen until all 3 consoles are out in the market in sufficient numbers and the massmarket has chosen its winners and losers.

1 comment:

qazimod said...

Next-gen doesn't start until stock is easily available at most places; I wish good luck on the person expecting to walk into GAME with £180 and walk out with a Wii.