obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Killer Apps, Proxy Wars & Intergoons (k3nshi)

I think the most positive aspect that the next-gen is bringing/really focussing on is social gaming. The Wii adverts were a real breathe of fresh air, focussing on the players of the games and really showing a social experience. The last time I saw game adverts like that was for things like the old Atari systems waaaay back in the day. And by all accounts Nintendo really is managing to court non-gamers with their system.

Sony are making plenty of noises about user created content and creating an online experience. Phil 'Mr Popular' Harrison cant help mentioning things like Second Life and MySpace when talking about the online PS3 experience, so it appears as if Sony are going to take online seriously. Singstar online could be a killer app all by itself. Still, there is nothing to see there yet, which leaves us with...

Xbox LIVE. Which I think really is the 360s killer feature, especially if you dont like Halo. For me Halo 3 is enough - but Halo 3 isnt out yet, and so I wouldnt be thinking about getting a 360. Except of course a large group of hashedgers are all playing Gears of War online and working like some kind of unholy army in J Allard's Proxy War for Gaming. "Buy a 360!", "Have you got it yet?", "JOIN USSSS!". Just another day on #edge at the moment.

So despite the fact that currently I think the 360 is a massively underwhelming and overpriced purchase; the console most likely to be the spiritual successor of the Dreamcast, I have seriously been thinking about buying one. I've been in GAME numerous time teetering on the point of purchase for a console whose library of games is incredibly uninspiring. Why? Because as killer apps go, 'Gaming with your mates' is pretty much the psychopath app. First everyone is playing Gears of War, then everyone moves on to Test Drive Unlimited, then its the next thing and the killing spree continues.

So the 360. I might buy one... tomorrow.

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