Halo 2. Cheating. (Anonymous)
Those of you out there who have Halo 2 no doubt have experienced the joy of the online modes. A superbly customisable, well thought out, fair and balanced work of genius. The ranking modes are superbly engineered to allow the truly brilliant Halo 2 player to advance whilst punishing the inept (hence my pitiful level 8 after about a bazillion games of Rumblepit)
However, the Live cretins have found a way to show utter contempt for this work of online gaming art. Cheating. Either via destroying the bandwidth available for other gamers, or by "glitching" - using small foibles in the maps or game world to their advantage. Bungie have gone on record saying bandwidth limiting is illegal and people will be banned, but won't ban people for glitch cheats, which are just as bad.
Sort it Bungie... your piece de la resistance is being destroyed by cheating morons. Microsoft - these people are destroying Live from the inside. Online gaming will never prosper whilst it is an non-inclusive and often offensive as it is now.
Anyway... I have some Halo 2 to be playing... see ya.
I find YOU offensive. I want MS to ban you.
I also found out how fucking close Stevenage actually is to London, on the train to Letchworth today. I thought it was the other side of Cambridge....
Ban request: GAY PARISIANS
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