obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Friday, January 05, 2007

EA Innovation (k3nshi)

Over at GamaSutra, EA drone Alain Tascan said:

"I mean, we just did Superman Returns and all the sports, but we feel that we are now ready to take big bets on new IP, and not bet the farm on the established titles. And we think this is something that people are going to react well to, because EA is not known for this.

"I mean, if you look at the comments of people on some of the things I've said and they say, 'how can you dare talk about innovation?' And that's what we want to prove that as a company we can do it."

I am of course just messing. EA used to have a real reputation for innovation in the early days. And whilst most of their output these days is somewhat lacking, they still do some really nice stuff. As for Tascan, anyone who is prepared to go out against the hype and point out that Gear of War lacks innovation, is fine by me.


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