Something gaming related (Anonymous)
Paper Mario turned up the other day. A game I've been meaning to play for a long time. A simple fun little game. RPG-lite for the kids?
It's... good. Not earth-shattering, but typical Nintendo. Polished, fun, bright and enjoyable. The RPG elements are very simple - this is not WoW (thank the lord) and relies more on button timing to improve "hits" than any stats. The story is inoffensive banal tat, although it is told with a nice touch of humour. The graphics are basic, but the style is wonderful with some lovingly "paper-rendered" models. Everything is crisp and clear, and the game regularly throws seemingly hundreds of characters on screen at a time.
And the game itself is fun. I'm only at the second chapter, and the puzzles are starting to shine, the drive to "do one more section" is there, the controls are nice. It's the perfect antidote to the misery and grime of most modern games. It is a bit childish. it is a bit daft. But it is also fun. Play it, you might like it.
I quite liked it until the battles...but then I#m never a fan of RPG battles (apart from the battles in games like Secret of Mana/Shadowrun)
Nintendo used to be the standard for earth shattering games. It all went wrong when that mad bastard Yamuachi left.
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