obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Background Movies (k3nshi)

Background movies: movies you can happily play in the background whilst you get on with something else. What makes a good background movie? I think there is a complex interplay between the actual quality of the film and its pacing. A good film with a pretty fast pace makes a poor background movie (BGM): you'll find yourself watching the film, not doing the tasks you were meant to be doing. But you cant rule out good films for background movie material, good films with the right pacing can be perfect BGMs. A really crap film is no good either: you wont watch it at all, and might as well have nothing on in the background. But a crap film with the odd entertaining scene could be perfect a BGM.

Some films that have proved to be good BGMs:

  • Sky Captain And The World Of Tomorrow
  • X-Men 2
  • The Mask
  • Blade 2
  • Bad Boys 2

Contrast with some films that serve as poor BGMs:
  • Any of the Lord of the Rings films
  • Blade
  • Bad Boys
  • Terminator 1 & 2


Wickedkitten said...

you seem to have forgotten predator and commando

k3nshi said...

I didnt mention either because I have yet to use either as a BGM. Post more suggestions though...