obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Just when you think you're out... (k3nshi)

So resisting Darwinia was pretty easy. All I had to do was look at the pile of unplayed games on my shelf (including Warcraft 3). And then I thought I was truly out of the gaming loop - I mean, unlike others I was smart enough to see WoW for what it was and easily DENIED it any dominion over me (wait for spunz's AMAZING "I'm a Man, not a Troll" forthcoming blog entry to see what I mean). Nintendo DS? Too ugly and the games are too expensive. DENIED. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater? Hahahaha - no chance. GT4? Zzzzzzzzzzz....

But of course, its never *that* easy. Resident Evil 4. As pimped by just about every mofo gamer I know. "You need to play this game!". "It's exCellent K3nshi! Get it - you wont regret it!". And so in a moment of boredom and weakness I placed the order. Capcom pwn me yet again and drag me back into the gaming fold. God of War and Wipeout Pure on the PSP look set to pwn me in the future too. Oh and I suppose I really should get Wario Ware on the GBA or the new Wario Ware Twist thing when it comes out.

And I almost made it. Almost...

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