Game Completion - PoP: Sands of Time (k3nshi)
I finally completed Prince of Persia: Sands of Time today. I had previously left it at a highly annoying level which simply consisted of lots and lots of combat. The combat in PoP isn't bad but its not exactly amazing either. Today I finally bothered to persevere enough to get past that section. The game ending is a bit of an anti-climax (a really lame end of game boss encounter). Overall though the game is pretty good, a really nice art direction and pretty satisfying to play. I'm even slightly curious about the sequel Warrior Within - I wouldn't mind playing it just to see what they've changed and how well or badly the end result is.
Of course, the nice thing about completing games is that it gets rid of the annoying guilty feeling you (well I at least) get when I buy yet another new game. Of course, I still have loads of games which are pretty much unplayed and so far from completion its quite silly.
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