obsession. infatuation. passion. deviancy.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

I'm a MAN, not a troll (Anonymous)

This blog entry comes courtesy of Kenshi, WoW hater...

I've stopped playing World of Warcraft. After just 3 weeks I decided enough was enough, logged in to wow-europe.com and cancelled my subscription. "Why?" I hear our 2 loyal readers scream. Because it's not a game. It's a job, a lifestyle and the biggest waste of time I have ever invested in. It's also brilliantly designed, beautifully realised and a lot of the people playing are decent. But it's not for me. Here, in a handy bullet point list, is why.

  • It's really really made for people with too much time on their hands who should probably go out and have sex with someone else.

  • The only indicator of character progression is a level. A number.

  • You start to gel with a couple of players, do some quests and have a laugh. Then you don't play for three days, return to the game and they're 10 levels beyond you and doing a loads of quests the game won't let you do.

  • It's too linear. There's a big world out there to explore, but artificial boundaries are everywhere (high level enemies basically) meaning casual players can't see most of the map.

  • It's actually very shallow. What is boils down to is clicking on enemies to find stuff to sell to buy new stuff to enable you to kill more things to get to better areas to get better stuff.... blah, blah, blah.

  • Orcs and goblins are a bit boring.

The MMORPG genre is intriguing but ultimately lacks something. Something to break it out of the levelling, clicking, buying, selling rut to appeal to a non-geeky male audience. WoW is undeniably a great "game" (for want of a better word) with an amazing gameworld to explore. But it is not fun.

I'm going to stick to my DS for a while. Polarium is wonderful. And fun.


k3nshi said...

Nice post, kind of confirms what I thought WoW would be like. Yes this is me telling you: I told you so.

So there you have it: hash edge blog gets the definitive review of WoW, none of this wankfestery you see in the mags and on "serious" gaming sites.

the_debaser said...

Insin? I thought you were dead